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The main structure of the irrigation system comprises MDPE pipes/HDPE pipes in either 10 or 12.5 bar. Normally 25mm or 32mm pipes are used in domestic irrigation projects, but sometimes 40mm pipes are required. The pipes are connected using top of the range compression fittings to minimise the potential for leaks.

Life Irrigation sources purpose made irrigation MDPE pipes which are fully guaranteed for 10 years and tested for a life span of a minimum of 50 years from the date of purchase. These irrigation pipes have been designed specifically for use in pressured irrigation systems with particular attention to sports applications with mechanical handling and installation. The pipes are manufactured and conform to EN12201 European Standard.

The advantage of using these MDPE pipes is that the inside diameter is larger than that of standard MDPE pipes and provides a better flow of water throughout the garden irrigation zones. The pipe is very durable and resistant to soil movement.

In addition to MDPE pipes and for the purpose of irrigating flower beds using micro sprinklers, 4 bar LDPE pipes are installed, which are black in colour. The LDPE pipes are neatly surface laid, secured using strong pegs. The fact that these pipes are visible on the surface minimises accidental damage caused by gardener’s forks and the suchlike.

Ecodrip pipes are used for watering borders and some flower beds. The Ecodrip pipes are black in colour and have many advantages such as anti-syphon, self cleaning mechanism to name but a few. More details are available on the relevant page of this site.